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How Kate debuted her new figureHes lovely, Hudson, 31, says of Bellamy, 32, in the new issue of Elle UK. But shes not a hardcore Muse fan just yet, she admits. My favorite Muse song? Ha ha ha! Im not well-versed enough on that, she tells the mag. Im getting there, though. Matt and I are just learning about each other and its wonderful.Things are replica Tag Heuer Link WJF131H.BA0572 going great at the moment. I am very happy, Bellamy told the . Its a little bit too soon to talk about weddings and stuff. Ask me again in a few months, though. Ill let you know how it went with Goldie and then who knows?Kate Hudson is finally musing out loud about Muse singer Matt Bellamy, her beau of a few months.

Pretty amazing experience.My steed for the trip is Cervélos new S3, which we reviewed in the May issue of Outside (read here). Im having camera issues, but some of my fellow travelers have promised to share their photos from todays ride. Ill post replica Tag Heuer WJF1417.BA0589 Ladie's watch them as soon as I get them. Check back tomorrow for a report from the finish line of Vesuvius.—John BradleyTwitter: johnwbradleyOK, got a few photos from the day. Here you go. I think the cliff-side espresso bar was the highlight.